Get started with Libellum

Did you know?

According to a study, it was estimated that the accreditation process for nine university programs required 16,000 hours of personnel time at a cost of over $1,000,000.

The process

We help you get through each step of setting up your own accreditation system. Contact us to get started with onboarding today!

01 Onboarding

Complete assessment of data, privacy and program structure to reflect the accredited program.

02 Testing

Configuration and testing against historical data. Comprehensive user training.

03 Launch

Software goes live and begins to collect data while our team monitors for issues.

04 Assess

Identify areas of improvement in data collection and in meeting CEAB requirements.

Trusted by

Customized Needs

Meet requirements and accreditation standards with customized dashboards that are unique to each client.

Expert Support

Get ongoing support and maintenance from our team throughout and after the process.