Evidence and Documentation

“A fundamental principle of evidence-based practice is that the quality of our decisions is likely to improve the more we make use of trustworthy evidence – in other words, the best available evidence.”

Barends, E., Rousseau, D.M., & Briner, R.B. (2014). Evidence Based Management: The Basic Principles. Amsterdam: Center For Evidence-Base Management.

Evidence/Performance Data

Evidence provides two critical outcomes. It substantiates the meeting of the requirements of the CEAB, and it provides the key set of data needed to progress improvement of the program.

Libellum helps:

Create Assessments

A system that simplifies data capturing, allows that data to be used for ongoing reporting to improve evidence and documentation!

In other words, such a solution empowers higher frequency reporting, thus turning data into performance based information, helping drive the cycle of continual improvement.



Course Set-Up

Program Mapping and Modeling

Key Attributes

User Experience

Integrity and Security

Who is Libellum For?

Accreditation Specialists, Instructors, and Deans/Executive

Accreditation Specialists

Accreditation specialists govern the process and are responsible for the success of accreditation initiatives. They collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure this success.

Accreditation specialists need:


Instructors are already extremely busy with courses, research, and other administrative tasks, as such, they need:


Ultimately responsible for ensuring their programs get accredited and meet the obligations set out by the CEAB, they need: